Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Ow.....And on top of it more ow.....

That's all I have to say is ow. Why? Because last night I had my first riding lesson (again) of the summer and having not ridden for a year, my, well, you know hurts and so do the inside of my legs. On top of that, me and my mom think that I may have a ligament in my ankle that isn't healing correctly because it still hurts after about four years. GRRRR GRRR GRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OW! I have it wrapped and have done all the usual, Ibuprofen (200 Mg <1pill>), ice, elevation, but nothing is working. GRRRRR! I don't like doctors either. The last time all they gave me was anti-inflammatory, and they didn't help! Now when I dismount on a horse, I have to be careful otherwise I will land on it funny, and not funny ha-ha. Oh well. Now all I do is look up at the sky while sitting by the horses, sigh, and take it one painful step at a time........

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