Saturday, July 30, 2011

The long awaited search.....

O W, W,  wherefore art thou W?
Deny thy Terri and refuse thy name;
Or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love
And i'll no longer be a Miller
(A revised quote from Shakespeare)

Okay, so I guess I'm doing the long past search for my old horse W. I had him when I was 4/5 years old. He was only 4 months old when we got him. He was a paint/morgan mix with a black mane and tail. He had white stockings and a little white spot on his forehead that was hidden beneath his forelock. He was a shiny brown. W was sold when he was 4/5 years old. I miss him so much, and would love to figure out what happend to him. So, my grandma, my mom, and myself are on a search to figure out what happend to him all these years. If anybody can give me a suggestion to where he might be, then email me at Thanks. I guess all I can do now is just look up at the sky, sigh, and hope that he is still alive........

Friday, July 22, 2011

Hot summer days=nothing to do.....

It has been really hot here and nothing to do. I would be riding, but I don't want to overheat Miracle. So, I'm just  walking from the house to the barn every half hour, just to do something than sit on my butt all day. I'm not grieving as much over Pascal, Sonora Tristan Poof (hit by a car), and Barney (had to be put down). Bored now. Well, I'm gonna go with my Grandma to pick up my Step-Grandpa and some feed. Look up at the scorching sky, sigh, and run inside to a nice cool fan!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

R.I.P Pascal

Memorial to Pascal
R.I.P Sweet Baby Girl    
 Date of Birth: 7/16/2011
 Date of Death: 7/19/2011
3 days old
 Time of Death: 3:05 pm
Goodbye sweet baby girl. I tried, and it was worth it. You
 passed slowly, unknowing your sickness. You had a good four
 days of life. Go rest peacefully now baby girl. May the angels
good care of you. 

Now baby girl, when I look up at the sky, sigh, and take it one step at a time, I know that you are there and are being well cared for by the Angels. You will always be my little angel.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Kitten Watch! Just Born and Day One and Two.....

 Time for a Kitten Watch! I am going to post a picture of Pascal (keep reading for story) every week so that you can see her growth. Well, here is the story! ~ On Saturday, I found a newborn kitten, well I actually found three while I was looking for worms for a baby bird that I found (I was waiting for its wings to dry off) but anyway, two were dead when I found them, just born. Anyway, I found her and took her into the house. My Grandma then went to the store and bought KMR (Kitten Milk Re-placer) and a couple bottles. I have been feeding her every 2-3 hours or when she wakes up. She has been going to the bathroom so I'm not to worried.
Now to the pictures! She is sleeping in most of these, except for the one where she is eating. The pony you see in some of the pics was mine, but I gave it to her to snuggle by. She is only about as long as my hand (as you can see) and is starting to get a belly! Her name is Pascal, after a
 girl in a movie I watched before finding her ("Primo Baby"). She's
coming home with me when I leave
my Grandmas so I can continue to
 care for her. (And also, my
Grandparents don't want another
cat in the house.) So, that's all for
now. I look up at the sky, sigh, and run to give Pascal her bottle........

Pascal Was Born- Saturday, July 16th, 2011 (Day I found her)
One Day- Sunday, July 17th, 2011 (Yesterday)
Two Days- Monday, July 18th, 2011 (Today)

 (The one picture with the dog is my grandmas dog sassy and she is watching over Pascal)

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Me Kissing The Cow Pepper
Peacock one

Minnie and her adopted baby Pearl

The second peacock #2



Pepper (left) Sylvester (Right)



Sonora Tristan Poof







Ow.....And on top of it more ow.....

That's all I have to say is ow. Why? Because last night I had my first riding lesson (again) of the summer and having not ridden for a year, my, well, you know hurts and so do the inside of my legs. On top of that, me and my mom think that I may have a ligament in my ankle that isn't healing correctly because it still hurts after about four years. GRRRR GRRR GRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OW! I have it wrapped and have done all the usual, Ibuprofen (200 Mg <1pill>), ice, elevation, but nothing is working. GRRRRR! I don't like doctors either. The last time all they gave me was anti-inflammatory, and they didn't help! Now when I dismount on a horse, I have to be careful otherwise I will land on it funny, and not funny ha-ha. Oh well. Now all I do is look up at the sky while sitting by the horses, sigh, and take it one painful step at a time........

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Oh Happy Day!.....

I am now happy! Sonora (Poof) didn't go missing after all! She is alive and thriving! Yay! I now look up at the sky, sigh, and be thankful she is alive. Thats all the news for now though!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Oh No!.....

Remember the kitten I keep talking about? Sonora (Poof)? She has lived up to her last name (Poof) and has completely vanished! At first I thought it was nothing, like she was hiding or something. Then after about a week, I started to get worried. Now, I'm thinking she may be dead. :'( I feel so sad right now. I do for the matter to feel better, look up at the sky, sigh, and hope for the best. :'(